Vietnam 2015: Responses to Education Reforms

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We do not forget that the force-feeding educational system has a long tradition and it is difficult to replace it in just a few days or weeks or months or even perhaps years. Therefore we certainly need many more years, many more people participating in the efforts to reach our …

Tradition of Giving to the University: HKU Best Practices

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Changing the culture takes time, but is possible. HKU has proven so. In Vietnam, several universities currently have paid attention to alumni and realize the importance of building this network. However, their success is still limited. To gain a greater success, the HKU experiences and best practices is worthy of …

Professorships – Who decides?

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Academics believe that loosening state control might lead to chaos at the present time, but that in the long run, the market will have the final say, with necessary adjustments, and that university autonomy might provide the opportunity and dynamics for universities to experiment with innovation.

An Emerging Research Agenda For Asia And The Pacific

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The need for strengthening research capacity in developing countries is now even greater than before because research is now a global pursuit. The development of the higher education sector during last two decades has occurred mostly in terms of expansion the size of the system. There are now some serious …

Doctoral Immaginaries

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In last 20 years the national policy of many countries has converged on focusing the importance of PhD education, seeing that as an critical driver for economic development of the country. Knowledge economy is a prominent factor promoting PhD education and putting on them the enourmous requirements in research, …

Current Trends in Global University Rankings

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Pham Thi Ly (2013) (Reflections of 5th International Conference on World Class University in Shanghai. 3-6 November 2013 and the U21 Symposium on National Systems of Higher Education: Criteria for Evaluation held by the Universitas, in Shanghai, 7 Nov 2013Executive Summary Despite limitations in methodology and the controversy surrounding the …