Managing quality and expansion

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Managing Quality and Expansion: Current policy, the Role of Private Institutions and International Participations Ly Pham (2014) Paper presented at the Symposium Expanding Tertiary Education Out and Up to Stimulate Economic and Social Development: An Emerging Research Agenda for Asia and the Pacific held by LH martin Institute (Australia) Langkawi, Malaysia …

Vietnamese Universities and Community Engagement

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Over the last 150 years higher education’s third mission has evolved and changed in response to developments in societal needs and expectations of higher education. These changes were fuelled, in part, to ensure the health and survival of higher education, both politically and financially.

Vietnam Education: A Yearly Review (2015)

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The intensive reactions of the general public to some issues show a larger space for people’s participation in educational policies. It also reflects an increasing pressure on the education reforms and the needs for strengthening policy development capacity

The Future of Higher Education

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Technology development has changed our lives, especially how we work and communicate with each other. Today’s context is much different from the one just a decade ago; and tomorrow will be even more different. Therefore many concepts need to be redefined, including the concept of university. The university of the …

Ranking makes no sense without differentiation

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Stratification is meaningful only when each type of higher education institution has distinct goals, aimed at serving different groups of students and therefore requiring a different strategic plan, governance structure, funding scheme, recruitment requirements and admission policies.