Vietnam Education: A Yearly Review (2015)

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The intensive reactions of the general public to some issues show a larger space for people’s participation in educational policies. It also reflects an increasing pressure on the education reforms and the needs for strengthening policy development capacity

Ranking makes no sense without differentiation

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Stratification is meaningful only when each type of higher education institution has distinct goals, aimed at serving different groups of students and therefore requiring a different strategic plan, governance structure, funding scheme, recruitment requirements and admission policies.

Đại học Hoa tiêu

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Tuy các chính phủ và các bên liên quan khác có quyền chính đáng để tác động lên sứ mạng và hoạt động của các trường cũng như định dạng cho nó, mô hình hoa tiêu theo nhận thức của tôi có thể mang lại một con đường cho một …

Current Trends in Global University Rankings

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Pham Thi Ly (2013) (Reflections of 5th International Conference on World Class University in Shanghai. 3-6 November 2013 and the U21 Symposium on National Systems of Higher Education: Criteria for Evaluation held by the Universitas, in Shanghai, 7 Nov 2013Executive Summary Despite limitations in methodology and the controversy surrounding the …